Cloud + mobile: improve sampling activity, receive notifications about the state of samples, save time and become real-time

Nowadays the real challenge for the world of quality control and R & D laboratories is staying ahead of the times.
Living in a world driven by innovation, which now pervades all areas of everyday life, is driving the focus on how innovation can become part of our daily work activities.

Due to technological advancement, smartphones and tablets are becoming routine tools for work. No longer considered as support items, they are now becoming an integral part of the processes and procedures of analysis.
The challenge is not only to develop tools to make laboratory activities easier, it is also to add a perspective strongly oriented to innovation to drive competition. Both in the laboratory; considering the analyst performing the tests, and outside of the laboratory; integrating the use of the sampling person with features that offer added value to customers.
The real innovation is in the business model that you can create, not only the B2B, but in addition you get to consider the end customer, obtaining a B2B2C business.

For precisely this reason, the innovative approach in terms of business is to provide a system in SaaS (software as a service), in which the user of the system becomes the unit of measurement in terms of investment. Choosing a system as a service ensures timeliness of use without having to carry out development activities because the more configurable it is for the user, the greater its benefit in terms of go-to-market

At the conclusion of this education session, participants will be able to:

  • To find out hidden costs in a cloud vs on-premise proposition
  • To improve efficiency and save time with a saas model
  • To create value also in the hands of third parts (customers)

The workshop is on the 15th April 2015 during the morning.