Eusoft is pleased to announce that it will present at Paperless Lab Academy in 2015, to be held in Barcelona from 14th to April 15th.
The Paperless Lab Academy is the ideal learning platform, for those considering consolidating, integrating and simplifying laboratory data management systems. This year’s theme of the Paperless Lab Academy will focus on how to MANAGE THE CHANGE PROCESS in both R&D and QA/QC laboratories in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, consumer goods and chemical industries.
Managing change in our daily operations applies to:
- Application and system software
- People related aspects
- Change in work processes including externalisation
- Consolidation of legacy systems with overlapping capabillities
- Impact of adoption of new technologies
This interactive congress will give you actionable insights how to adopt these challenges in our daily work from a practical capabillity perspective. The academy includes 16 hands-on workshops, many practical presentations, networking reception, conference dinner and live demonstrations from over 20 leading suppliers.
The PLA2015 will take place at the Gran Conference Hotel Rey Don Jaime, just 10 minutes from the Barcelona international airport.
More info about: PaperLess Academy 2015