Last years events, in particular the social and economic crisis due to the Covid19 pandemy, has transformed the companies’ communication approach to their clients and target audience, not only in B2C but also in B2B world.
Digital Transformation, which was already before the pandemy a distinctive sign for the most innovative enterprises, has had a strong increase during the last year, revolutioning the world of business entirely, starting from the working methodologies to Communication. Communication indeed was already constantly changing and evolving thanks to web and social media’s usage increasing. After recent events, Communication has been strongly pushed into a real digital transition, moving into the virtual environment the old tangible communication tools.
Webinars and online events are a clear example of this phenomen, keeping however their main differences with physical events.
For sure physical events will continue existing, being the audience’s experience the main attraction key. However, the digital transition in the world of Communication has let the most innovative companies to gain a competitive advantage thanks to new and innovative content strategies, basing their point of strenghts on the content itself.
However, it is important to keep in mind trends and factors that might influence this tool’s efficacy as, for example, people’s media overexposure. In this context, “Content is king”, that means the choice of the content to communicate is essential. It has to be the right content for the right target audience.
For all these reasons mentioned above, digital events are not an online version of the physical ones, they have to be based on an effective content strategy.
Eusoft has always believed in the digital innovation value and has a long experience in managing online events. This year, Eusoft has taken advantage of all its expertise to launch online the newest LIMS Eusoft.Lab 11, during an online event on June 22nd.
A very impactful and successful event with 456 impressions world wide and more than 70 companies attending the event and a lot of benefits for users:
- Live-streaming: audience’s experience remains a fundamental touch point with people, the main aim is indeed to keep high the level of interest and engagement;
- On-demand contents: this unique benefit, arising thanks to the events’ digitalization, consists in developing complementary contents usable for a longer time period instead of the event’s limited duration;
- Unlimited access to the event: once the physical events implied the physical participation and moving to attend it, of course online events does not; non only, an unlimited access to events’ contents is guaranteed too, as they can be watch online after the event;
- Environment responsibility: lack of physical participation led to a positive impact on the environment, limiting need of moving to attend the event.
If you miss the live streaming, you can easily watch and find out contents and highlights of the event at this link: