“Innovative tools and methods for metabolicsyndromecustomized therapies”: this is the main topic of the final event for R&D Project INNOMALABS, on May 14th at 11 am on Zoom platform.
The R&D Project Innoma Labs has the goal of developing innovative diagnostic strategies through the analysis of Metabolic Syndrome patients’ microbiome. The main aim is to develop probiotics, predictive diagnostic tests and new type of food. This project, indeed, was born to satisfy Confindustria Bari-BAT and H-BIO Technological district’s needs regarding “Health, Wealth and Socio-Cultural dynamics”. The project implemented system, moreover, could be applied in the future to other physiological and patological conditions.
It has been developed a software to support clinical protocols focused on specific pathologies. In particular, the implemented software is able to collect and manage analytics data. The system has been addressed to a specific clinical target, the Metabolic Syndrome, considering its constant and growing spread in the world.
During the webinar, scientific, diagnostic and technological results will be shared with the audience by the project’s four partners (Eusoft, Insoft 2000, IBIOM-CNR, Arancia), Confindustria Bari-BAT, Distretto H-Bio, Dipartimento di Medicina Interna Università degli studi di Bari headed by prof. Moschetta, Regione Puglia and InnovaPuglia.
Innoma Labs is a funded project notice within POR Puglia FESR – FSE 2014 -2020, Priority Axis 1 – Research, technological development, innovation – 1.4b Action.