Eusoft has the pleasure to introduce you the new e-learning platform entirely dedicated to Eusoft.Lab. Our mission is to offer not only a LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) to the laboratories, but also to create 360 degrees use experience for Eusoft.Lab Software’s users on Cloud, the LIMS as SaaS (Software as a Service), accessible in any moment and from any mobile devices, smartphone, tablet or laptop.
Following the Cloud innovation path, we implemented for all system users, an online training platform (Learning Management System – LMS) filled in with dedicated courses about Eusoft.Lab LIMS usage. Starting from training courses on system’s basic functionalities, the e-learning portal includes customized courses on complex functionalities too, to both become an expert of the LIMS software and taking advantage of all the available benefits of Eusoft.Lab. At the end of the training courses, moreover, it is possible to obtain the related certification about laboratory informatics’ knowledge and skills developed.
The E-learning Cloud platform is accessible in any moment and place, so the user can benefit at the right moment.
The combination of teaching and technology brings countless benefits to its users, tailoring the training courses to the student:
- Remotely training contents’ accessibility, making them available from any place and in any moment, taking advantage of the learning platform in the right moment,
- Possibility to align lectures speed to the own learning time, being them repeatable infinite number of times,
- Customizable and adaptable training contents to the own expertise and knowledge,
- Interactive and multimedia lectures,
- The software can track and certify learning status.
Nowadays, influeced by market’s emerging challenges, we are extremely aware our main asset and strenght is represented by the human talent, by our employees’ knowledge and expertise. For this reason, Eusoft wants to strenghten human resources know-how, promoting constant learning programs.
Therefore, we not only want to guarantee a unique learning experience to our customers and partners, but also optimize our human capital and offer to our employees an individual and professional growth. This is the reason why on the E-learning platform a LIMS Academy area has been created and dedicated to our people training, taking advantage of the most innovative digital tools.